
Positive Attitude Information

You Cant Plant Apple Seeds and Expect Oranges

Cheri decided that she wanted to grow an apple tree in her back yard. She had never planted an apple tree before.

Watch Your Mouth

Ever had one of those mothers, or grandmothers, who would often say, "Be careful what you ask for?"I did and always wondered exactly what she meant by that, but now, I know.Do you realize the power that your words carry with them?Your words have the power to persuade.

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Philippians 4:6-do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.Have you ever been worried about anything? Worried about how you were going to get money to pay the bills? Worried about how you were going to pay for that new water pump that your car needs right now? Worried about whether or not you will ever find the right mate? Worried about whether the food in the refrigerator will last until your next payday? Worried about being terminated in the lay off? Worried about how you were going to make ends meet?Worried just about anything and everything that may happen or could happen in your life?Worried about being out by yourself at night because you are worried you might get raped or mugged? Worried that a bomb threat may be closer to home then you would like? Worried every time your child walks out the door alone? Worried about why everything seems to be going wrong in your life? Worried about whether or not your partner or spouse is cheating on you? Worried about that wrinkle or that new gray hair? Worried about your weight?We spend an awful lot of time "worrying.

Reacting To Given Situations!

The milkman knocks at the door of the old lady's apartment. He notices that the door is open.

Dump Those Negative Tapes

Every time something doesn't go quite right (rather frequently for some of us), we start berating ourselves. We can be the soul of courtesy and forgiveness to those we care about and then turn and savage ourselves in the most brutal fashion.

Get Out of Your Way!

We hear a lot these days about accepting responsibility for our actions and it is about time we did. Time is out for casting blame and pointing righteous fingers at others to cover up for our own shortcomings and acting out behaviors.

Its Okay to Be Negative Sometimes!

Lately, I've been hearing that it's not okay to have negative thoughts.There's been a lot of talk about motivation, inspiration, positive energy channeling and such.

Strength Within

For the twelve hundred hostages, most especially Timur Kasumova.It's a bright morning.

New Attitudes-New Possibilities

I AM SO GRATEFUL for meeting challenges head-on. We see mistakes as learning experiences in disguise, And reach turning points in times of crisis, We find serenity in the midst of turmoil-- It's not what happens to us, but what we make of it that counts.

A Good Joke Can Lighten the Mood

A joke is a way of getting people to laugh. It is a great opener for a speech or in a social gathering to break the ice.

Change Your Head Position For A Flood Of Positive Energy!

Have you ever considered that you may be subconsciously sabotaging and inhibiting your own potential positive emotions through the position of your head and the manner in which you breathe?Personally, before a few years ago, I had never really considered it. However as I became more interested in how deep focused breathing could positively change your body and mindset I looked more closely at such things.

How to Deal with Discouragement and Develop Exceptional People Skills

Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so discouraged that even one more day of frustration will be too much to handle?Everyone gets discouraged at times however there are a number of key differences between people who keep on going and those who give up:1 Focus On Your Goal Not On Your ProblemsOne of my mentors is a highly successful property developer and he loves solving problems. All day long he can take on one problem after the next and just keep going.

Creating Icebergs Out Of Hostility

Have you ever dreaded an upcoming presentation, meeting or function because you just knew that the group would be hostile? Maybe you had heard that these people are very critical, even aggressive.*How can you prepare for such a situation even though you would prefer to disappear into thin air.

Where You Want To Be

Barry was on the phone in his office, speaking with confidence, energy and passion.In his office were a number of removal men working quickly moving furniture out the door to the van parked outside.

Reframing Rejection

So people will reject us no matter how good we look, no matter how successful we are, and no matter how giving we are. If we were to become even nicer, and even more spiritually aware they would still reject us so it is a pointless battle trying to win over everyone.

More Articles from Positive Attitude Information:
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Get Out of Your Way!
We hear a lot these days about accepting responsibility for our actions and it is about time we did. Time is out for casting blame and pointing righteous fingers at others to cover up for our own shortcomings and acting out behaviors.
Do you realize that what we believe about ourselves, affects us so much more than what is actually true about ourselves? Let me give you an example of what I mean.Let's say you attend a music concert and are completely blown away by someone's piano playing.
Fearing the Future: I am what I Fear!
When we were children, we were fearless. We would stick our hands in the fire, chew on the beetle bugs, and eat that dirt.
Attitude = Altitude, Its Really Up To You!
Quote of the week:"Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing." - Zig ZiglarYou can, and should develop an attitude of gratitude.
Why You Want What You Cant Have
"You can't always get what you want . .
Chanel Your Prosperity Energy Today
Every emotion, wether we classify it as good or bad, has energy. Think about it.
Living Mindfully
Normally I race around multitasking. I am always thinking about a million things while I try and do at least two activities at once.
Life Can Seem Unfair Until We Change Our Perspective! See How!
Empty, Hollow, Nothing?.those words shout the sound of disappointment and disillusionment of life for many people; the experience of many people as they grab for possessions, power, knowledge, and the sweet things of life.
Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts
Changing Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts is a key lesson to becoming healthy and successful.PINT.
Let Your Subconscious Be Your Guide... Oh Really? Not!
Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? Do you ever feel like just sitting down and having an old fashioned pity party? Have you ever had that "woe is me" kind of predicament? Somebody said I guess I'm just like Job. Well guess what? Job got healed, and he got back all his earthly possessions and wealth.
Are Your ANTs Taking Over Your Life?
One of the first things that I work on with people having trouble with communication is to look at what and how they are communicating with themselves.It is very difficult to connect and communicate with others, if you are unable to connect and communicate with yourself.
One thing in life is certain---change. Things never stay the same.
How I Make And Save Thousands Of Dollars Using Only My Subconscious Mind-You Can Do The Same!
Thousands of dollars will be yours, just by using your subconscious mind.You get a very good feeling when you make new money.
Believe It Or Not
I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things.
Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives
Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event.
When Things Go Wrong As They Sometimes Will... Dont Get Your Knickers In A Twist!
In frustration it's easy to jump to false conclusions that life is out to get you. Wrong assumptions will invariably lead you to wrong conclusions.
Improve Your Relationships Instantly
Discover how easy it is to improve your relationships. The following relationship advice will encourage people to help you willingly and cheerfully.
Self-esteem: Does It Really Matter?
Some people are full of confidence and able to meet even the most difficult challenge with an air of authority. A good level of self-esteem is essential for us to function successfully in our professional and personal lives.
Mastering Mindfulness: A Thinkers Ode to Meditation
I'm lucky.When I was fifteen, I was the sole survivor in one of those horrific car accidents involving a bunch of teens, lots of alcohol, and late-night fast driving.
The Power of a Positive Attitude
You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog.