
How I Make And Save Thousands Of Dollars Using Only My Subconscious Mind-You Can Do The Same!

Thousands of dollars will be yours, just by using your subconscious mind.

You get a very good feeling when you make new money. You also get a very good feeling when you save money.

Here's how you can have and enjoy both:

First, I'd like to share my personal story with you.

When it came to fortunate breaks in life, I would lose out a lot. As the old saying goes: I'd be "a day late, and a dollar short".

I would sometime come in second place, third place, or fourth place. I would come up short. Missing out on first place opportunities by a thin hair.

Strange mishaps kept working against me. Odd-ball twists. Monkey wrenches thrown into my plans at the last minute. It was so bad, sometimes I thought there was a secret curse on me.

I would come up short too many times, too often, for it to be normal or natural. Something was mysteriously holding me back. Somehow, I was missing the good life; the mother lode of "lucky breaks", "deals", "bargains", "windfalls", "contests", "found Money", "fortunate advantages" etc.

You know what I mean. I was losing out. I would miss out on good opportunities by the skin of my teeth. I missed items on sale by a day, lost office pools, unfortunate mishaps, expired coupons, losing lottery tickets, etc.

I lost thousands of dollars every year on failed and missed opportunities.

I can still remember my sick stomach feeling I would have after purchasing an item, only to see it go on sale a day, or week later. It got so bad, I would hesitate buying, fearing the item would go on sale just afterward.

Some would say I was just plain "unlucky". Remember, I said it seemed like a curse was hanging over me.

But here's what I found out: there wasn't a curse on me after all, the problem was my own mind. I wasn't using it properly. I mean, I wasn't daily, actively, using it to better my life.

Formal schools never taught me how to use my mind. So, I wasn't educated about the mind/life circumstance connection. Even worst, I was mentally ignorant. I didn't know my subconscious mind from a hole in the ground.

I didn't see how my mind could make a difference in my life. I thought an unlucky curse was the cause of my missing out. I never suspected my own mind. I always looked outside for the cause/answer, never within.

That all changed, when I started learning how my mind worked. I got a good mental education. I started growing. I learned about my subconscious mind. I kept growing. I learned how to program my subconscious mind.

So, instead of rushing out and buying, only to see the item go on sale later, I now program my subconscious mind, and patiently wait on its intuitive hunch promptings. It works like magic!

My subconscious mind finds out, and sets up all kinds of profitable opportunities for me, then gently signal nudges me to do the right things, and go to the right places at the right times. I started winning. It was truly amazing!

I started catching items on sale, winning lotteries, office pools, parking spots, found money, stock dividends, savings growth, fortunate meetings, great deals on my car, home, etc.

Like a charmed life, I started making and saving thousands of dollars each year; just by properly using my subconscious mind. You can do it too!

Without my mental education, being taught how to use my subconscious mind, I'd still be a loser, missing out on the good life.

Today, people call me "happy-go-lucky", not knowing how unlucky my life used to be. Today, I treat my subconscious mind like a daily intimate partner. And like that credit card TV commercial said, "I never leave home without it"

About The Author

Terry Goss is author of the intriguing free e-course:
"Will The Real Subconscious Mind, Please Stand Up!"

And author of the popular ebook: "52 Mind Power Secrets"
You get (10) free secrets just for visiting:



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