
Positive Attitude Information

4 Ways You Can Get Over Your Need for Acceptance and Get on with Your Life

Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you learn how to accept yourself. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you'll find people will judge you less and accept you more!1.

Such Is Life, And Its Getting Sucher And Sucher

Problems, disappointments and trouble; the three skunks that sometimes think they are our children. At least they want to stay around long enough to give us a college education.

Growth From Discontent: Lifes Way Of Giving You A Little Push

That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is not the sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do something.

Start Your Day on Your Terms

Most of us start the day like we're trying to catch a train. We wake up, grab a cup of coffee, look at the paper and listen to the news.

Looking For Answers In All The Wrong Places?

Looking around at our circumstances we may see only mountains of problems, debts piling up, fear, failure, and defeat at every corner. Maybe you've looked around and thought, where's the answer, I need a new life?Heart To Heart!No one may be able to give you an easy answer for difficult circumstances, but there are some simple steps you can take today to neutralize the negative emotions that are making you stew in your own juice.

Envisioning Your Ideal Self

In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics.

Today, A Wonderful Day

Believe me, today is the most wonderful day of your life! You live in today; drink, dine, walk, talk, work and play today. Living today is not enough, make it a wonderful day for you.

Doubting Your Way To Success!... Ridiculous... Oh?

Ever had a problem with doubts? Ever felt that nagging feeling down in the pit of your stomach that says, "It ain't gonna happen this time"? Have you ever wanted to throw in the towel and just quit? If so, you've experienced having your head full of doubts. Here is the good bad and ugly.

Having the Attitude I am the Greatest!

While trying to ignore my teen daughters rap music a thought came to me. Whoever the rap artist was that she was listening to, is very positive about him self.

When Things Go Wrong As They Sometimes Will... Dont Get Your Knickers In A Twist!

In frustration it's easy to jump to false conclusions that life is out to get you. Wrong assumptions will invariably lead you to wrong conclusions.

Life Can Seem Unfair Until We Change Our Perspective! See How!

Empty, Hollow, Nothing?.those words shout the sound of disappointment and disillusionment of life for many people; the experience of many people as they grab for possessions, power, knowledge, and the sweet things of life.

Heres Your Calm During The Storm Of Discouragement

Have you ever known someone like this? "A person who knows how to start well, but finds it difficult to keep going"? A person whose successes are dependent on the quality of someone else's encouragement and motivation? Someone who consistently let's discouragement get the better of him? Ever found yourself like that? There's hope, read on.Don't Worry, Be Happy! &^%$%^Yeah right! How many times have you wished you could bit**-slap somebody for saying that at the moment you least needed it? I know I have a bunch.

Quick Fixes: Happiness In A Bottle

This is the age of the Quick Fix - the magic bullets that claim to take away our sorrows, our tiredness, our sadness.You need look no farther than your mailbox to see the range of remedies - prescription drugs and supplements - being plugged for everything from stress to low energy.

Feeling Grouchy? Heres What to Do

I woke up this morning feeling sour.No.

Deep Doghouse Communication for Angry Men

Many times when an angry or rageful man comes into the office to see me for the first visit, he is in a deep crisis. Such was the case with Jerry.

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I Know I Can, I Know I Can
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Do You Love Yourself?
So, do you love yourself?Shouldn't really be a difficult question to answer should it?For many people this question makes them feel more than a little uncomfortable. In fact, if you've suddenly become short of breath and your palms have gone a little sweaty, then you should definitely continue reading this article!A mad passionate love affair!Have you ever considered what it would be like to have a mad passionate love affair with yourself? And I'm not talking about a one night stand here either! I'm talking about a beautiful, blossoming, burgeoning romance.
Do You Neglect The Power Of Your Mind?
James Allen, who wrote the masterpiece, As a Man Thinketh, talks about the vital power of the mind in creating success. "All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct results of his own thoughts.
Thinking Your Way To Success: Materializing Your Goals Through The Power of Thought
THOUGHTS are powerful. The power of THOUGHTS cannot be underestimated.
How To Gain Confidence Quickly And Effortlessly When You Feel the World is Against You
Have you ever felt the whole world was against you? No matter what you try, you just can't succeed, causing you to have a total lack of self-confidence. You may even feel that way now, but what I am about to share with you should pull you out of that place and into a mindset and feeling of total possibility and success to ensure you boost your self-confidence rapidly.
How to Use Fear to Your Advantage
The invisible force surrounded him, squeezing tightly around his chest. His eyes became wide and bewildered.
The 5 Words That Are Ruining Your Life
How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough? (I realize advertisers would go broke if this happened, but it's better for you!) Imagine feeling joyful, whole and complete when you look in the mirror at the end of the day.What if I showed you how you're consciously creating circumstances and beliefs everyday that give you results you aren't happy with? Would you like to change it?It's much simpler than you think.
How To Self Talk Your Way To Success?
Dear Friends,All human beings have a unique ability right from birth, the ability to "think" and express his/her thoughts in the form of "speech", "written words" etc..
Dissolving Stereotypes through Personal Individuality
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Success Through The Way You Think About Yourself
If you think you are a loser, you train or work like a loser i.e.
Harness The Power Of Words In Your Life
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The Map Is Not the Territory
Just in an average day we can experience many things that we take as good or bad. In this article I want to take a look at what takes a place in the human mind as it relates to our daily affairs.
Finding Meaning in Life: Three Steps
So how do we find meaning? The first step is through personal experiences - experiences through something to which we are familiar and through someone we value. Develop your appreciation of beauty - that is heightening your sensitivity to beauty such as in great art or wonders in nature.
Positive Thinking - Make Good Things Happen- Turn Lemons into Lemonade
The Alchemists of old worked over many years, centuries, in their quest to turn base metals into gold. At least that is the popular notion.
Free Tips To Increase Self-Esteem
I have had many confidence issues in my life, all of which I have either dealt with or overcome. I have written about some of these issues below.
Mind Games!
Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves rolling into each, over and over again.
The Art of Jiu-Jitsu
Using an opponent's force against them is the fundamental teaching of the Jiu-Jitsu art. When two equal and opposing forces go head to head the force is neutralized.
Mindfulness and Curiosity: Inspiring Affection
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
Living with Lunatics: They're Crazy and They're in Charge!
They're out there? they look like people you know, but they're different. Someone has sucked out their brains and turned them into mindless oafs.
A Day in Your Life: 17 Ways to Make it a Special Day
A day in your life is a brief and precious time to feel-to experience love, laughter, and wonder, to design and contribute your unique creations and expressions of who you are and what you want to leave behind. Today can truly be a special day in your life.