
Positive Attitude Information

Firewords: A Dangerous Necessity in Your Life?

There are many stories of people injuring themselves, and others, with Firewords in the old wild days of entrepreneurship and it is usually passed off as the price that had to be paid in order to win.However, as time passes, there is a tendency to confuse reality with myth about how people rose to be so successful.

Mind Power - Fact or Fiction? Prove It For Yourself In The Next 7 Minutes - Truly Awesome!

Who are you?We all know that we are composed of atoms. But what are atoms made of?Physicists tell us that atoms are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons.

Optimism, the Only Option for Success

People with negative attitudes may wonder why they never achieve the degree of success they desire. It is a fact of life that if you want to succeed, you must be optimistic.


One thing in life is certain---change. Things never stay the same.

Sexual Abuse. A Story From A Survivor.

Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave me more candies when I went to his grocery shop that morning.

You Have All The Resources You Need

You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true.

Your Frame of Mind May Determine Your Health

The mind absolutely amazes me. It will never be understood, yet it's been said that a healthy body makes the mind work better and it's been said that the mind can destroy the body.

Fear -- Feel It and Keep Moving

Many of us allow our fear to stop us in our tracks. All it takes is a less than encouraging word, a negative facial expression, or a less than positive opinion, and we give up before we even get started.

Change Your Attitude from a Whiner to a Winner

Who are the Whiners? Whiners are the people who always seem to have those hard-luck stories whether it pertains to their relationships, money, or health. You'll notice that even if they resolve one of their frustrating issues, they will immediately have another one to take its place.

Find Your Inner Strength to Tackle Any Challenge

Everyone faces challenges during their life, from suffering the death of a loved one to being laid off from a job. But the challenges themselves aren't holding you back; rather, it's how you react to the challenges that determine your ultimate success and happiness.

How to Begin to Overcome Shyness

The one thing that is absolutely vital to overcoming shyness is DESIRE. You must want to, badly.

Free Tips To Increase Self-Esteem

I have had many confidence issues in my life, all of which I have either dealt with or overcome. I have written about some of these issues below.

Self-Opinions---Can Limit Our Lives

Dr. Phil says each of us has a personal "truth" -what we believe of ourselves when no one else is looking-- and from this comes results in our lives that are in keeping with that truth.

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself, what I had not got compared to my friends, how much of a struggle my life seemed to be compared to others. I was caught up in a web of negativity and needed someone or something to help me to escape.

Creating Positive Environments, Part 1: Using Art

One of our most active senses is sight. What we see can affect our outlook and attitude by how its counterpart, our brain, perceives visual information that it filters through its memory banks.

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Mindfulness and Money: Monkeying Around
Kasia is a talented landscape designer who speaks several languages, and when she jokes about being a "Polish princess" it's because she actually has the pedigree to support that claim.That's not why she's amazing.
Improve Your Relationships Instantly
Discover how easy it is to improve your relationships. The following relationship advice will encourage people to help you willingly and cheerfully.
Such Is Life, And Its Getting Sucher And Sucher
Problems, disappointments and trouble; the three skunks that sometimes think they are our children. At least they want to stay around long enough to give us a college education.
11 Great Ways to be Positive about Change
Look for the positives!Seek them out - those little scary places that it's challenging to let yourself go to - the positives are genuinely scary, because they give you hope and it's hard to let go of all the fears you have right now - so hanging onto them is the easiest path!So try letting yourself go, just for the heck of it!Take that step back from being 'done to' and take the initiative. At work, at home or wherever, this can be a great time, if you let it.
You Must Change the 148,000 Nos In Your Subconscious to Yes
What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your dreams?According to some research, a person who grows up in an average, reasonably positive home is told "no" or told what he or she cannot do over 148,000 times before they hit their 18th birthday! The number of "yes'" or encouragement on what they can do is far smaller than the "no's", "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" (which are all "no's").So what?Well, think about it.
A Major Block to Constructive Change
A Yale University study a few years ago revealed that the average child is scolded - criticized - over 20,000 times between the ages of two and ten. Mom says, "No, Charlie - don't touch that!" Or a teacher says, "Jackie, that's not the way to do it!" All those "Nos" and "shouldn'ts" add up to a predisposition toward self-criticism that we must look at before we can truly change our lives.
The Gift of Envy
The summer I was 20 years old, I worked as a maid at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel and Casino. My uniform consisted of an orange-and-blue plaid smock like those worn by pretzel vendors at major league football games.
Start Living Your Dreams Today With a Positive Attitude
"Those people who think they can do something and those who think they can't are both right." - Henry FordWhat ever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.
Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life - Books to Help You Find the PMA Inside You
Many of the books on this page were inspired by the late great Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, God rest his soul, who encouraged us all to have a PMA every day!Failing Forward John C.
The Power of Positive Thinking: Unlimited Possibilities
Does negative thinking pay? Is it desirable for me to encourage thoughts in my mind that break down, hinder, and incapacitate me for good work? Do I want negative thoughts that inevitably bring discontent, unhappiness, and ultimate failure in their train?Your answer will be, of course, that you do not want them. But such thoughts work insidiously, and will find an entrance into your mind if you are not extremely vigilant.
Are You Trying to Lose?
Just 2 nights ago my partner and I were watching a cricket game from Zimbabwe on cable TV. The team that was currently batting was leading by a huge margin in the 1st innings but during the 2nd innings were 'dropping out like flies'.
Whats On Your Shift List?
The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one.
How Our Beliefs Narrow The Limits Of Our Possibilities
The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite this enormity within and without, we choose to confine ourselves to beliefs in scarce resources.These beliefs, like all our beliefs, are not true, yet, because of the earnestness of our conviction and our genius in adumbrating the numerous aspects of our impoverishment, we take our beliefs to be true.
Why Motivational Posters Arent Cheesy!
I don't want to say people are basically negative but?..
Financial Abundance And Peace Of Mind Are One!
There are only two emotions we can experience; love or fear. It should be obvious to you that any emotion based on love is positive while any emotion based on fear is negative.
Take a Gratitude Break
An old Joni Mitchell song reminds us, "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." Stop what you're doing right now, look around and take a quick 30-second gratitude break.
Help Yourself to a Better Future
There are very many methods for achieving improvement to our personal confidence and self esteem, far too many to investigate in depth in a short information file. So on this page, we will have a look at the most popular and, for most people, the most effective.
Our Worst Enemies
Most of us love to think that our problems are the result of the actions or in-actions of others, economic conditions, timing and any number of other things outside our control. These things do in fact have a bearing on our situations.
Finding Meaning in Life: Three Steps
So how do we find meaning? The first step is through personal experiences - experiences through something to which we are familiar and through someone we value. Develop your appreciation of beauty - that is heightening your sensitivity to beauty such as in great art or wonders in nature.
Be Thankful for What You Have Got
Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK (999) now has call waiting? I hope that you never find out for yourself.Have you ever had to resuscitate someone? I sincerely hope that you haven't.