
Positive Attitude Information

Passion To Succeed

"Spiritual Intelligence" (SI) is the ability of a person to acknowledge and observe established principles that can affect his potential to succeed. This may be simple and practical, but some have missed the point.

Theres No Negative In My Program - Part 2

Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men.His younger brother arrived at the hospital with a broken back.

Where Do You Get A Positive Attitude You Asked?

How are you? Where do you get a positive attitude you asked?Well, let's see..

A Rain Secret To Change Your Mind

Heard of a raindance? It is a ritual used by native shamen to influence the heavens. It is a bit like bending spoons, you have to believe in something that goes against your normal perceptions of reality.

Banish Shallow Breathing And Boost Self Esteem!

You know, very often, the manner in which a person holds himself or herself can impact quite noticeably upon their own feelings of self worth and also on how deeply they breathe.I once read that shallow breathers are shallow people and, while I do not necessarily agree with that statement, I would suggest that shallow breathers are often those who might have low self-esteem and could benefit greatly from a change in body posture and breathing technique.

The 5 Winning Beliefs To Accomplish Anything In Life

A more positive future, a happier life, a body that's in better shape or a wealthier mind begins by a winning belief system. Beliefs shape our destiny and the more supporting they are, the more we are able to achieve our goals.

Important Days Ahead

Humans tend to categorize things by large or small, bright or dull, special or ordinary, and so on. We like to bring order and structure, but sometimes our efforts to place things into neat little slots can blind us to the little moments of joy we could be experiencing every day.

Distortions are False Beliefs Programmed Every Day by Self and Those Around Us

Distortions are False Beliefs Programmed every Day by Self and Those Around Us which Causes Feelings of Useless, Self-pity, Selfishness, Insecurity, False Moral Standards, and Social Withdrawal.Using affirmations on a daily basis will program truths about yourself.

Mindfulness: Youre Soaking In It!

Looking for a bit more mindfulness in your daily life? Relax. You're soaking in it!Perhaps you remember Madge the Manicurist, a television commercial character who commiserates with her clients about their chapped hands.

How I Make And Save Thousands Of Dollars Using Only My Subconscious Mind-You Can Do The Same!

Thousands of dollars will be yours, just by using your subconscious mind.You get a very good feeling when you make new money.

The Power of Inner Dialogue

Are you aware of your inner dialogue? If not, you can be aware of it at this moment. Just get quiet and listen, there is a voice inside you that is constantly talking to you all the time.

Enlarge Your Vision

Millions struggle through life barely earning enough to survive. Many are trapped in a job they hate, but are making just enough that they think they can't afford to start at the bottom in something else.

Keep Your Cool

Know your limits. Accept what you can't change and let go of things out of your control.

How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence

You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and in your daily life that always appear to be self confident and on top of world.Everything seems to go right for these people and they always seem to present themselves as calm, collected and successful in everything they do.

Halt All Complaining

Have you ever thought about you have a lot to be thankful for. Lets look at some of the things most people don't look at:I have a whole body that works.

More Articles from Positive Attitude Information:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33



Enlarge Your Vision
Millions struggle through life barely earning enough to survive. Many are trapped in a job they hate, but are making just enough that they think they can't afford to start at the bottom in something else.
10 Tips to Improve Your Self Esteem
Striving to improve our self esteem is on everybody's mind. It doesn't matter if you actively pursue this goal or you subconsciously working on improving your self esteem.
Your Dominant Thoughts - How to Take Advantage of Them
Self belief is a wonderful thing.I know from my own life experiences that whenever I have been filled with dread or doubt I am unable to perform at a satisfactory level.
Attitude Is Everything! Make it Great!
Change your attitude, change your lifeIn my experiences, I've found that opportunities are awarded most often to the person who had the best ATTITUDE for the job, not the most APTITUDE for the job. By changing your attitude to be more positive, people will want to talk to you, and you'll get more opportunities.
How Do You Habitually Treat Yourself?
In order to learn how to relieve ourselves of self-defeating patterns, the obvious first step is to become aware of what these patterns are.The easiest way to do this is simply to become a casual observer of your own behavior and to take stock of how you treat yourself.
Simplifying Simple
I have a 440-page guide on how to simplify my life, but I haven't found the time to read it.Like you perhaps, my once-quiet world now clatters with the joy of a large family.
Improve Your Relationships Instantly
Discover how easy it is to improve your relationships. The following relationship advice will encourage people to help you willingly and cheerfully.
Let Your Subconscious Be Your Guide... Oh Really? Not!
Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? Do you ever feel like just sitting down and having an old fashioned pity party? Have you ever had that "woe is me" kind of predicament? Somebody said I guess I'm just like Job. Well guess what? Job got healed, and he got back all his earthly possessions and wealth.
You Must Change the 148,000 Nos In Your Subconscious to Yes
What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your dreams?According to some research, a person who grows up in an average, reasonably positive home is told "no" or told what he or she cannot do over 148,000 times before they hit their 18th birthday! The number of "yes'" or encouragement on what they can do is far smaller than the "no's", "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" (which are all "no's").So what?Well, think about it.
Thoughts are Things
You've probably heard this idea at one time or another. You've probably nodded your head in agreement understanding that thoughts are in fact, things.
Life as a Burden Vs. Live as a Privilege
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is the glass half empty or half full?Here's one that I have been having some success with lately: Do you approach life and all it contains as a burden or as a privilege?As I've been learning recently, the burden-or-privilege view greatly influences your life for bad or for good.Let's take a look at how this choice can affect your liLife as a burdenA person with the burden view thinks and behaves like this:Approaches the daily tasks of life grudgingly.
Turning Fear Into Power
How would your life shift if you moved into what you feared not away from it, if you moved into the future with controlled abandon -think about it! One of the things I know from working with people for close to two decades and from my own development is that - things change. And yet how many people say they hate change.
Managing Life Changes the Tetris Way (or How to Let the Blocks Fall with Skill and Grace)
Are you undergoing a major life change? Or merely trying to manage the daily barrage of things hurtling your way? In either case, you might feel you spend most of your time maneuvering through an endless stream of new challenges.If so, take a lesson from the popular video game Tetris.
Define Yourself With Confidence
As a trainer of coaches I often teach my students to move beyond the skill of coaching into the skill of self-trusting. Having great mastery of a specific skill is important, but without self-mastery all we become are manipulators of open-ended questions.
Believe It Or Not
I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things.
Get the Confidence to Be Your Best
A confidence crisis is looming with a recent study showing that 3 out of 4 of us would love to be more confident but don't know how to go about it.The sheer quantity of choices and opportunities for thirtysomethings is greater than ever before and for the people polled, seeing through these opportunities and finding what's right for them can seem like an impossible task.
Learning From Life
Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Life has taught me some tough lessons, and the scars do not heal easily."? This article can help you learn valuable lessons from the past, instead of allowing the past to determine your future.
Seeing Through Fear
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Mindfulness: Youre Soaking In It!
Looking for a bit more mindfulness in your daily life? Relax. You're soaking in it!Perhaps you remember Madge the Manicurist, a television commercial character who commiserates with her clients about their chapped hands.
How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind
Part 1Recently, in a women's therapy group that I run, the desire for fun and a change of pace over took me. I suggested that we deviate from some of our typical work and instead go around the room imagining a vacation treat designed to suit each woman's desires.