
Positive Attitude Information

Positive Changes Achieved by Exercising Mind, Body & Spirit

My story explains the struggles I had as a 23-year-old single, divorced mom with three children, ages six, four, and one and then shows some practical ways I used to change my life and claim my personal power. Self-pity, anger, guilt, and self-hatred were my constant emotional companions.

Believe It Or Not

I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things.

Get Out of Jail Free: How to Identify Unconscious Beliefs

Know thyself.These words were inscribed in the vestibule of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.

The Gift of Envy

The summer I was 20 years old, I worked as a maid at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel and Casino. My uniform consisted of an orange-and-blue plaid smock like those worn by pretzel vendors at major league football games.

The View From Nana and Papas

I'm a working mother with a preschooler, worrying about Mom and Dad, who are approaching their eighties. See, I'm part of the growing number of Americans who are caring for aging parents (or wringing their hands in anticipation of it) and raising a child simultaneously.


No, not that kind.Power and potential are synonymous.


"The knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foresight."You don't need no gypsy fortune teller, no prophet or prognosticator, no futurist or crystal ball gazer, no tea leaf reader or seer, no horoscope or haruspex; no augury is necessary.

Decide Your Own Destiny

Human nature is created so that you can choose your destiny. In order to know your destiny you must realize that your life is in a constant state of change.

Creating Your Desires

Say aloud:I AM. I AM Consciousness.

Just Another Day

During a Messenger chat session the other day, I asked a fellow how his day was going. "S.

Be Selfish and Save The World

Why do we help others? There is a whole lot of pain and poverty, illness and despair in the world. I can't speak for you but I would like to make a difference and improve the quality of life for others.

So What Is A Limiting Belief?

So what is a limiting belief?Don't you love the current expression: 'does what it says on the can'. The can is, of course, purely metaphorical and 'does what it says' suggests clarity and ultimate intelligibility.

Accepting Rejected Thoughts

Sometimes we are in a position to look into the lives of other people. It could be through a book, or a movie, or a story we hear, or occasionally it could be someone that we meet.

Tips on Boosting Your Self-Confidence

How you feel about yourself truly does affect your interaction with others.It truly saddens me when I hear women using negative talk when referring to themselves.

Taking Yourself Too Seriously? - Suggestions for Reclaiming Your Perspective

"We can change our circumstances by a mere change of our attitude." - William James, 19th Century American psychologist and philosopherI've noticed I often take myself, my work, and my life way too seriously.

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Today, A Wonderful Day
Believe me, today is the most wonderful day of your life! You live in today; drink, dine, walk, talk, work and play today. Living today is not enough, make it a wonderful day for you.
New Attitudes-New Possibilities
I AM SO GRATEFUL for meeting challenges head-on. We see mistakes as learning experiences in disguise, And reach turning points in times of crisis, We find serenity in the midst of turmoil-- It's not what happens to us, but what we make of it that counts.
The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns-Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time!
When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals.
The Problem With Affirmations
Do you know the problem with affirmations? You know, the really, really powerful ones?Affirmations are great. They allow us to program our minds such that, realistically, anything is possible.
Success, the Only Option
One often hears people say they can't sketch because they don't have 'the talent' even to draw a straight line. When was it somebody told you "Oh, I can't play the piano; I'm such a klutz!"?Such negative programming of the mind often comes from judgmental parents, teachers, relatives or peers.
Life as a Burden Vs. Live as a Privilege
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is the glass half empty or half full?Here's one that I have been having some success with lately: Do you approach life and all it contains as a burden or as a privilege?As I've been learning recently, the burden-or-privilege view greatly influences your life for bad or for good.Let's take a look at how this choice can affect your liLife as a burdenA person with the burden view thinks and behaves like this:Approaches the daily tasks of life grudgingly.
You Are A Winner!
You are already a winner, and so am I.Although you may not consider it to be the case, there was a time when both you and I were at the absolute peak of our physical capacity.
Being Tender With the Ugly Parts of Yourself
Does that title make you cringe? It made me cringe when it popped into my head a few days ago.We don't like to think about our "ugly parts," do we? By ugly parts of course I mean those aspects of ourselves we perceive to be less than perfect.
Yuk!One thing, I really have a problem with is criticism. Oh I can do the criticism.
What Every Employee Should Know About Looking Beyond His Attitude
Our attitude makes seems to control just about everything about us. It helps us get better grades in school, become more generous and courteous to others, and enjoy better health.
Rebuild Those Plans
Byron and I started our first business full of enthusiasm and energy. The business was a seminar business with a focus on self-development.
Five Ways to Stay Positive in a Negative World
In view of the increasing negative events happening around the world here are five things you can do to help you stay positive.1.
Help Yourself to a Better Future
There are very many methods for achieving improvement to our personal confidence and self esteem, far too many to investigate in depth in a short information file. So on this page, we will have a look at the most popular and, for most people, the most effective.
The Power of a Positive Attitude
You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog.
Growing Optimistically
Spring is here at last! The season brings with it an opportunity for continued personal growth, stimulated by a sense of life renewing itself around us. We see growth of every kind reflected in our environment in the spring.
Positive Attitude is Not Enough
Contrary to the popular saying "attitude is everything" attittude is not enough. You can have the right attitude and all the motivation in the world and still wind up playing "dead atheist.
Fear Is Nothing To Be Afraid Of
Several years, I was listening to a radio talk show hosted by a psychologist. A young woman caller said, "I just got accepted to medical school!""Congratulations!" said the host.
Passion To Succeed
"Spiritual Intelligence" (SI) is the ability of a person to acknowledge and observe established principles that can affect his potential to succeed. This may be simple and practical, but some have missed the point.
Your Frame of Mind May Determine Your Health
The mind absolutely amazes me. It will never be understood, yet it's been said that a healthy body makes the mind work better and it's been said that the mind can destroy the body.
Finding Meaning in Life: Three Steps
So how do we find meaning? The first step is through personal experiences - experiences through something to which we are familiar and through someone we value. Develop your appreciation of beauty - that is heightening your sensitivity to beauty such as in great art or wonders in nature.