
Positive Attitude Information

Change and Transition - 10 Steps to Surviving Change Elegantly

If I say the word "CHANGE" how do you feel? Most people remain fearful, anxious and uncomfortable with change, despite it being a driving issue in our society. It appears that no matter how much experience we have it doesn't get any easier.

Living with Chronic Illness & Disorders: Are You a Survivor?

Once upon a time, I was a vibrant, youthful teenager..

Positive Thinking - Anxiety & Panic

If you suffer with or have in the past suffered with anxiety and panic disorder, then you certainly know what its like to be swallowed up by your negative thoughts and feelings.Someone asks "Hey, how was your day?" and your typical reply is "bad" "crap" or "sh!#" oops I don't think I can say that word here ;-) Your entire vocabulary seems to only exist of negative words, like death, pain, torture, cancer, bad, hard.

Letter of Hope from Hospital Patient

Hospital patient undergoing surgery recounts how Hero Soul provided strength, inspiration, and hope during recovery"I used to look in the mirror and only have time to take a quick glance to ensure that I looked acceptable for a full day ahead of me. At 32, I am a mother of two and a wife of 8 years.

You Are Magnificent! Creating Self-Confidence

The image you hold of yourself determines your success or failure in every aspect of your life. What do you really think about yourself? Do you like you? Do you believe in your abilities? Are you worthwhile? Are you the person who sets and accomplishes his or her goals? Are you decisive? Where do we gain these self-value skills? They begin with our thoughts.

Why You Want What You Cant Have

"You can't always get what you want . .

Start Living Your Dreams Today With a Positive Attitude

"Those people who think they can do something and those who think they can't are both right." - Henry FordWhat ever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.


What are you holding onto? Wanta quit?There are many things that we people hold onto. Some of them are more important than others.

Powerful Insights

? If it takes me to periphery (Drifted into continuous thinking compulsion), it is controlling me. If I am at centre (without taking the support of any idea in my own nakedness), nothing is controlling me.

All My Needs, Desires, and Goals are Met -- INSTANTANEOUSLY

I get emails and questions from people all the time who are frustrated because they have read all types of self-help books, attended all types of motivational seminars, received personal coaching and yet, they still are unable to live the life that they dream of living.I know how frustrating it can be.

Beginners Programming 101

Recently a great idea popped into my head about creating a software program. Now, if the truth be told, I know absolutely nothing about computer programming.

Developing Self-Esteem

It would be pretty hard to become successful without first developing your self-esteem. In fact, I can't think of one person who is very successful who has low self-esteem.

The Trouble with the Mind

Bernard always had a problem with money.He was always lacking it.

Universal Thought Systems/Forgiveness

Philosophy of Forgiveness:The most powerful tool that human beings possess is Forgiveness. Men and women must learn to use forgiveness to bring peace to individuals, to communities, and to entire societies.

Universal Thought System/Forgiveness#2

Clear Conflict with Forgiveness:Forgiveness is the means to solve all acts of violence and war. Over time, when forgiveness is used by enough people the cycle of violence will be broken.

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A Negative Experience an Opportunity?
Early in my career a position became available which I thought I was entitled to. I had the experience and a good performance record.
Get Out of Your Way!
We hear a lot these days about accepting responsibility for our actions and it is about time we did. Time is out for casting blame and pointing righteous fingers at others to cover up for our own shortcomings and acting out behaviors.
So What Is A Limiting Belief?
So what is a limiting belief?Don't you love the current expression: 'does what it says on the can'. The can is, of course, purely metaphorical and 'does what it says' suggests clarity and ultimate intelligibility.
Magic Mirror Exercise
Good morning I love you.This is a basic exercise, which is performed when you first see yourself in a mirror, for most people this is usually in the morning when we go and wash and groom ourselves.
The Use of Affirmations
What is an affirmation? One possible definition is a specific positive thought that you create in response to a current need or goal. We need to continue repeating the affirmation until it becomes a part of us, and we find ourselves believing it.
First Aid For The Soul
A Model of the dysfunctional, unconscious human psyche. A way through, from confusion to consciousness.
Whats On Your Shift List?
The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one.
What Do We Choose?
Life is an enigma..
Power Talk: The Two Most Powerful Words In Language
I don't know about you, but for me, the technological age in which we're living seems to have increased the speed of life. If we are properly programmed, there is not a minute of our life that we are out of communication.
Help Yourself to a Better Future
There are very many methods for achieving improvement to our personal confidence and self esteem, far too many to investigate in depth in a short information file. So on this page, we will have a look at the most popular and, for most people, the most effective.
The Ultimate In Positive Thinking?
I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain.
What Every Employee Should Know About How to Maximize His Potential for Success
There are countless books that describe success principles. Here are a few principles that I have summarized for you:* Believe in yourself, your abilities, and in your God-given yet unused talents.
Creating Icebergs Out Of Hostility
Have you ever dreaded an upcoming presentation, meeting or function because you just knew that the group would be hostile? Maybe you had heard that these people are very critical, even aggressive.*How can you prepare for such a situation even though you would prefer to disappear into thin air.
Who Controls Your Mind?
Few people are aware of the thoughts that pass through their minds. Thinking is performed like a habit, in an automatic manner.
Positive Mental Attitude
Look at this glass on the table in front of you. Is it half-full or is it half-empty? Now, do you realize that it is entirely for you to decide what the answer to this question is going to be.
Prisoner of Attitude
"Thinking is responsible for man's primacy on earth today. Existence is therefore co-terminus with thinking.
Positive Things To Do For Yourself
Being a mom can take a toll on your body, your mind, and your soul. I know I am a mom to 3 wonderful but hyper boys ages 11, 9 and 3 and there are days where I really need to take a break from everything that goes on around me.
Internet Tip of the Week: The Power of Positive Thinking
The late Norman Vincent Peale was a controversial preacher who burst into public consciousness with his best-selling book, "The Power of Positive Thinking". He believed that ordinary people could become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things, and when they believe in themselves, they have the secret of success.
How You Treat People Matters
I encountered several interesting people that really taught me something. The first person was a man who works for Mc Donald in Thousand Oaks Mall.
Using Negative Experience to Discover Your Strength
"Someone was hurt before you; wronged before you, hungry before you, frightened before you, raped before you; yet, someone survived" - Maya Angelou"Do not grieve. Misfortunes do not flourish particularly in our path.