
Positive Attitude Information

Community After Tragedy

One Friday in November, I began a journey from New Jersey to downtown New York City to visit old work friends. It was my first visit since the tragic September 11th attack.

Discovering Opportunity in Times of Challenge

You may be facing a type of disappointment, frustration, loss, or general sadness. It is in these times you can immediately begin to search for the counterbalancing positive to it.

Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part 2

When you have a case of FABS, it may be hard to eradicate, but it is far from impossible. Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame may be different emotions, but they can all be gotten rid of in the same ways:First and foremost, it is very important to learn to LIVE IN THE MOMENT! The past is over and done with, and can never be changed, no matter how much we wish that it could.

Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part One

Have you heard of the FABS? The FABS are quadruplets; they are not identical but they are very, very similar! The FABS are: Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame. This quartet love to arrive, uninvited, at people's houses and literally stay forever.

What Should You Be Committed To?

There are many dynamics that go into making a great team. Dynamics such as chemistry, talent, unity, and the list could go on and on.

The Rat Race and Smiling Over Spilt Coffee

As if choreographed and rehearsed the night before, one lays witness to the rumble of heels, a sea of italian-crafted, waxed, buffed and protected from any Act of God footwear, tap-tap-tapping down the staircase: the mesmerizing beat of the damned.On cue, all eyes dart to the tunnel, shift to the clock display, and as if mistrusting the red numbers flashing on this digital billboard, raise their watches in unison, tilting their rolex faces on an angle so as to blind the few people who dare to look elsewhere.

Cleaned Up or Cleaned Out?

I need your help. I did a good deed recently, but I was gripped by second thoughts.

Be Thankful for What You Have Got

Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK (999) now has call waiting? I hope that you never find out for yourself.Have you ever had to resuscitate someone? I sincerely hope that you haven't.

Theres No Negative In My Program - Part 1

Imagine the what you could achieve if:You were 100 % focused on your goalEliminated all self -doubtBelieved it were impossible to fail.Are there really individuals who think like this? You bet!I saw a story the other night about two modern day cowboys.

Does It Really Matter?

We are all involved in this game called life and we will have our challenges and successes. One thing that will have great bearing on our attitude and lives is how we treat those challenges and successes.

Comparison - The Great Destroyer

In speaking of comparison we need to be aware that we should never compare ourselves to others. No other person has our unique qualities.

My Sunshine

"You Are My Sunshine My Only Sunshine You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray"(I remember this song from my childhood)"You Never Know, Dear, How Much I Love You Please, Don't Take My Sunshine Away"And, doesn't that insinuate someone or something makes you happy? So, from a young age, we were fed the ideas it took something outside ourselves to see sunshine and be happy. We didn't just receive that message from one song.

10 Passion Principles to Creating the Rest of Your Life

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design.

Mindfulness and Curiosity: Inspiring Affection

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.

Living in the Moment

This week's wisdom is on the power of living in the moment. That ability we all have to be present.

More Articles from Positive Attitude Information:
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10 Passion Principles to Creating the Rest of Your Life
1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design.
Are You A Prisoner of Your Own Making?
There is a wonderful story about the famous escape artist, Harry Houdini that illustrates the theme of this issue of my newsletter. As the story goes, the great Houdini often boasted about how he could escape from any confinement or jail cell.
Quick Fixes: Happiness In A Bottle
This is the age of the Quick Fix - the magic bullets that claim to take away our sorrows, our tiredness, our sadness.You need look no farther than your mailbox to see the range of remedies - prescription drugs and supplements - being plugged for everything from stress to low energy.
You Are A Winner!
You are already a winner, and so am I.Although you may not consider it to be the case, there was a time when both you and I were at the absolute peak of our physical capacity.
Sexual Abuse. A Story From A Survivor.
Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave me more candies when I went to his grocery shop that morning.
5 Ways To Use Mind Power To Maximise Your Potential
Why do patients who are given placebo pills report that they feel well? These pills have no healing capabilities. They get well purely because the power to heal came from their beliefs.
Believe It Or Not
I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things.
Using Power Affirmations on ePosters
I believe that one of the best ways to stay positive is to create a multi-media "advertising" campaign to condition the thoughts and beliefs into your mind that you choose.For all of our lives, at least for most of us, we have been bombarded with mass media advertising to get us to buy all kinds of products and ideas.
What Every Manager Should Know About How to Look Beyond His Attitude
Once we understand the difference our attitude makes in our lives, we can appreciate the fact that it helps us to make our lives so much more enjoyable and successful.The reason our attitude makes so much difference is that it seems to control nearly everything else about us.
Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part One
Have you heard of the FABS? The FABS are quadruplets; they are not identical but they are very, very similar! The FABS are: Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame. This quartet love to arrive, uninvited, at people's houses and literally stay forever.
Turning Fear Into Power
How would your life shift if you moved into what you feared not away from it, if you moved into the future with controlled abandon -think about it! One of the things I know from working with people for close to two decades and from my own development is that - things change. And yet how many people say they hate change.
Positive Thinking on Negativity
The other day I bought an unusual piece of software: It runs positive affirmations on my computer, so they can influence me while I work. Sentences like "I am full of confidence" or "I love everyone I meet".
You May Not Be Able to Manage Change - But You Can Manage Your Response to It
Your response (reaction?) to change is conditioned by your entire life experience..
How to Change Any Belief
I have studied the idea of changing thoughts to create a new reality for some years. There are many books on the subject.
Distortions are False Beliefs Programmed Every Day by Self and Those Around Us
Distortions are False Beliefs Programmed every Day by Self and Those Around Us which Causes Feelings of Useless, Self-pity, Selfishness, Insecurity, False Moral Standards, and Social Withdrawal.Using affirmations on a daily basis will program truths about yourself.
Discovering Opportunity in Times of Challenge
You may be facing a type of disappointment, frustration, loss, or general sadness. It is in these times you can immediately begin to search for the counterbalancing positive to it.
Does It Really Matter?
We are all involved in this game called life and we will have our challenges and successes. One thing that will have great bearing on our attitude and lives is how we treat those challenges and successes.
Success Through The Way You Think About Yourself
If you think you are a loser, you train or work like a loser i.e.
Increasing Expectation Positively!
At your next staff meeting lead your team through the following discussion and exercise.This exercise is focused on getting people to perceive things positively.
How To Self Talk Your Way To Success?
Dear Friends,All human beings have a unique ability right from birth, the ability to "think" and express his/her thoughts in the form of "speech", "written words" etc..