
How Tapping The Goodness Within Attracts Positive Change

If your life is difficult--if it's challenging, exasperating, and vexatious-- then it's time to tap the goodness within.

Your life can be another way--if you let it be. At some point, you simply decided that it was impossible to be happy. From that point on, you gathered evidence to prove your point.

Since everyone else, as far as you can tell, appears to be playing the same game of "Ain't It Awful," you don't get to feel left out as you continue to sabotage your reality.

A point, however, may come when you feel that you can't take it anymore, and you start to look for some kind of cure.

The most dramatic cure, of course, is a seminar. There the positive coaching and consulting creates a holographic repatterning in your mind. The facilitators argue for your greatness with such brilliance that you actually begin to believe them. Suddenly, you get high, your body floods with endorphins and catechlomines and you feel that anything is possible.

You usually go home with a big manual and continue training your mind about yourself. You realize that anything, in fact, is possible. Change is possible. Building your business and your relationships is possible. Anything is possible for you!

From this point on, a battle is on. Your negative conditioning will fight to get you back on track, your environment will press you to conform, and everyone in your life will work on getting you back to their comfort level.

Occasionally, however, people do break free and go on to live truly splendid lives. These are the people who provide the testimonials that make the next group of aspirants sign up. They prove that personal development is possible.

What creates the magic of positive change?

Given the large variety of self-empowerment workshops, each espousing a completely different philosophy and world-view, it can't really be the information that they provide.

What makes the change is that they give you what you could have got all by yourself--the understanding that in order to lead the good life you have to tap into the goodness within.

This goodness comes, first, from complete and utter self-acceptance and love.

From there you start to appreciate how far you've already come. And once you get into gratitude, the energy begins to escalate.

After self-love and gratitude, your next step is possibility thinking. When you realize that something is possible, you start to head in that direction. All inhibitions spontaneously fall away.

Small successes then lead to bigger successes.

One day, you'll realize that you've become the master of your game and your life has taken many magical turns that now allow you to live a life "beyond your wildest dreams."

And it all started because you chose to tap the goodness within.

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.



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