
Affirmations to Improve Your Life

An affirmation is a positive assertion, a solemn declaration, a way to change your way of thinking. You can use affirmations to improve performance and results in all areas of your life. The "positive action" self-talk of specific affirmations is beneficial to achieving desired outcomes.

Affirmations can implant your sub-conscious mind with a framework for achieving success. They should be read with emotion, preferably out loud, and with great desire and meaning. The secret to affirmations is to read them as though you are already in possession of that which you are seeking.

Affirmations should be read every day without fail, preferably as soon as possible on rising in the morning and always just prior to retiring in the evening. During the day try to read your affirmations as often as you can.

Do not be concerned if the results you are seeking do not come immediately. Be persistent. Use your affirmations for 30 days without missing a single day. This will implant the positive messages into your normal way of thinking. Continuing the recital of your affirmations beyond 30 days will increase their strength, which will manifest itself in the results that you will receive.

Understand that different people have different levels of self-belief and self-worth. Results, therefore, will be different from one person to the next.

For greater results you can write each affirmation into an exercise book every day. You can also add your name to each affirmation to personalize it for you. Commence each affirmation by saying: "My name is..." This will add further strength to the affirmation.

The following is an example of an affirmation for happiness. (Note the positive and action based way it is written)


"A feeling of inner happiness is coursing through me. I am choosing to be happy every day no matter what circumstances I find myself in. I awaken each day with a smile on my face because I know I will be at my best when I am happy. Other people see my happiness as a sign of great strength. I smile and greet people with genuine enthusiasm. My own happiness leaves everyone I meet in a happier state. Being happy is a wonderful feeling. A feeling of inner happiness is coursing through me."

You can make up your own affirmations or you can visit the Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website at where you will find affirmations on subjects such as health, self-esteem, wealth and memory.

[If you like this article and would like to use it on your own website or ezine you may do so ONLY if the article is not changed in any way and the final paragraph: "About the author", with all links intact, is included.]

About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice."



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