
Does Lack of Confidence Stop You?

Ever had the sense that there is more to life than you're experiencing?

Ever felt that there's more out there for you to do, but never been quite sure of what that is? Or maybe you know what you need to do, but have been putting it off because you lacked the confidence to take the chance.

One of the biggest things in our way of exploring this path is our necessity to pay our bills. This usually means staying in a job or career that no longer fulfils us for a little while? usually forty years!

Another block to changing life might be your upbringing - maybe a parent who tells you that you need to stick with what you know - or a spouse who'd prefer you to stay the way you are and not follow your dreams, or friends who think that anything other than what you've been doing for the last few years is odd.

It can be quite scary to reach out for your truth. By your truth I mean your life purpose. What's more, those around you might find it quite scary too - that's why they try to put you off doing it. I mean can you imagine their faces if you suddenly became crystal clear, not only that you were going to change your life, but also knew how.

Imagine how powerful it would sound to them. Imagine the example you would make when you succeed. Imagine their faces then!

Living your Life Purpose is more than a career, but since you spend so much time earning money it is a key element.

The biggest hint I can give you to finding Life Purpose through work is to search for something you feel a deep pull and an undoubted passion towards. When you find that, many things will happen?

You're health will improve. You'll work longer, faster and harder than ever and love it. You'll smile and laugh more and become a people magnet as you become more interesting and fun to be around.

Your confidence will literally rocket.

Begin by finding your unique gift and then explore how you can use that in a distinctive way to help others improve their lives.

Best Wishes

Jo Ball
Coach & Founder of Unstoppable Life

Build your confidence through your life purpose with top UK coach Join Jo Ball at Start to rediscover and understand the real you and step into your full power. It's simple to do. Jo's newsletter is full of tips stories and tricks on living Life Purpose. It's FREE to sign-up and she'll send you an e-book, Simple Steps to Greater Happiness as a thank you for joining and give a FREE Life Purpose Report.



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